Hall Pass Self-Reflection
1. How did you choose to represent PJ and Media Arts in your design?
I represented PJ by showing the Pauline Johnson logo as well as including the school colours and images that represent media and visual arts.
2. Name two Principles of Graphic Design you used. Explain how you used these two Principles.
2. Name two Principles of Graphic Design you used. Explain how you used these two Principles.
1. Alliance: All the words and images are aligned along the hall pass keeping the center of the page their common ground.
2. Contrast: The text is used in bold and regular type as well as small and large print making the hall passes an example of contrast.
3. What were you really good at for this project?
I was really good at finding images that represent the genre of the hall pass and applying them in appropriate places.3. What were you really good at for this project?
4. What could you improve on in this project?
I could improve my second hall pass by altering the placement of the text and spacing of the images and logo.
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