Wednesday, 14 September 2016

The Principles of Design

Balance - This image is an example of symmetrical balance. Both sides of the photograph have equal amounts of items or in this particular case the image is cut straight down the dock.

Proximity/Unity - The Adidas sign shows unity by the closeness of the logos shapes. The equal distance shows the unity as well as the words fitting neatly below. They show a visual connection with the overall design.  

Image result for adidas logo

Alignment - The cups in a sequence form a snowman which is an example of alignment. The layout makes it simple to follow and understand the meaning the image given put to explain. 

Image result for fun ads
Repetition / Consistency - This poster shows repetition. The logo has a pattern that is repeated 8 times in a sequence. There are no changes among the reoccurring picture and shows repetition of all parts of the image.
Image result for principle of design repetition

Contrast - The two wine glasses have a very distinct difference. One wine glass is almost entirely black and dark. The other is completely bright and white. They are opposites in one photo.
Image result for contrast
White / Negative Space - The man in the photograph is the focal point and every other spot in the image is white space. The negative space shows that there is a deeper meaning than more imagery can show. 
Image result for white space


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